Become a SoilOptix® Service Provider

What Does a SoilOptix® Service Provider Look Like?

As a service provider, you map the field using our cutting-edge equipment, collect the samples and arrange the analysis at the soil lab of your choosing. Our job is to then provide you with the highest resolution soil maps available on the market. With this data in your hands, you are now ready to work with your growers on how to best use their results and take their soil management to the next level.

Join our growing network of service providers.
Let us give you the tools to better advise your growers.

SoilOptix in a soybean field

Sampling Soil in a field

SoilOptix® vs. Other Soil Mapping Technologies

SoilOptix® technology provides a new perspective on soil information for growers. As a service offering in your business, these are just some examples of what gives the SoilOptix® system a leg up from other product offerings.

Flexible Mounting Options

To fit every cropping type, vehicle, and application.

Using SoilOptix in an Orchard

Plug and Play System

A single cable hook-up and no moving parts to ensure minimal set up and down time.

Attaching the SoilOptix sensor cable

Extended Surveying Season

No interference from crop residue, field vegetation, soil moisture, frozen ground or even light snow.

Man on an ATV Quad surveys frost in a field with SoilOptix® device
Oliver Wood

“SoilOptix® has completely changed the way that we look at soils with our growers. Having used different soil mapping technologies in the past and having to put up with the limitations that they all have, SoilOptix® is a complete step-change in detail and accuracy. Being able to accurately map soil texture and nutrients takes the variable rate application plans that our growers create to a new level.”

Oliver Wood
Precision Technology Manager; Hutchinsons Crop Production Specialists- SoilOptix® Service Provider Since 2019

Soil Data Analysis at Your Fingertips

Access your data through our customer portal and see a collective view of all your clients’ data and field results. Service providers have the ability to build independent accounts for different locations and salespeople within your business, to be sure that your workflow is running smoothly. Easily download the results to work with your growers, or use our API connections to seamlessly build and provide VRA recommendations for your customers.

Customer Portal on a laptop screen

More Information on High Resolution Soil Mapping

Visit our Grower page to learn more about how SoilOptix® can benefit your growers.

For more information on how to become a SoilOptix® Service Provider, contact us directly.