How SoilOptix® Works

How does SoilOptix® take field mapping to the next level?

STEP ONE SoilOptix® uses a non-contact, pre-calibrated sensor, mounted on a collection vehicle approx. 2 ft (60 cm) off the ground, travelling up to 12 mph (20 km/h) in 40-foot (12 m) swath widths. The sensor measures natural geological properties emitted from the soil’s decay; Caesium-137, Uranium-238, Thorium-232, and Potassium-40. STEP TWO Traditional soil samples are taken at strategically placed locations; 1 for every 8 acres (3.2 ha) surveyed, 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) sample depth, with a min requirement of 4 samples per field. Samples are sent to a local lab for analysis and results are integrated into our final product. STEP THREE Once lab results are received, our highly trained team of data processors intake, analyze, and process the information using proprietary SoilOptix® software and algorithms. We target to have your final maps returned to you within 48 business hours. STEP FOUR High-definition nutrient & texture maps are returned to you in generic SHP or CSV files at a resolution of 335 data points per acre (827 data points per hectare). Files are available for download or transfer through API on our Customer Portal.

“SoilOptix® provides the highest degree of resolution and the most detail of any soil test methods available.  As a retailer and a farmer, the detailed information that SoilOptix® provides along with the collection of accurate yield maps allows me to precisely recommend and apply the correct amount of crop inputs based on yield goals, crop removal rates and soil fertility build goals for my customers and our farm.”

Dave Louwagie
Field Marketer at Hensall Co-op & Grower in Perth County, Ontario

Available Top Soil Map Layers

SoilOptix® offers a wide range of available properties to give you the most in-depth look at your soil.

SoilOptix® Layers

Kickstart Your Soil Carbon Sequestration

Leaves of a potato plant
Photo by おにぎり on Unsplash

Soil Health Suite

SoilOptix® is proud to offer a new suite of soil health layers, hand-crafted for you to create a benchmark for soil carbon sequestration, and to monitor your soil’s responses to regenerative ag practices. For more information on our Soil Health Suite, visit our Soil Carbon Page.

Soil Health Layers

  • Soil Organic Carbon (%)
  • Active Carbon (%)
  • Soil Organic  Carbon (Quantity per ac/ha)
  • Active Carbon (Quantity per ac/ha)

From Surveying to “All-Set!”

Check out this step-by-step story of how the system works start to finish, and learn how one grower began his SoilOptix® journey that led him to discover the unknown history of his own land.

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